Wednesday, December 7, 2011

11 Months

Wowzers... so we're in the final stretch to ONE year. I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by. I'll admit the first 12 weeks seemed to go by so slow, but after Ben hit 3 months, time has absolutely flown. We have had a blast, and when Ben turns one I'll write a post about my "stand-out" memories of the year, but for now I'll give you a quick 11 month update.

Ben can now officially stand for long periods of time by himself. He is also taking the occassional step or two, but still really not interested in full-on walking. I guess his official "first" step was taken sometime around Thanksgiving. I know, I know, I should have written it down, taken a picture, scrap booked it.. but, unfortunately I'm not that on top of things, and probably never will be. So, a monthly update will have to do.

He can also open the doors in our house. This wonderful little gem started a few days ago. We are going to have to add-on to the baby proofing this weekend. You just can't hold this guy down.. he will figure out how to get where he needs to go. It's really funny to watch too, because he gets all the way up on his tip-toes, and reaches high for the handle. It takes him about 30 seconds to pull the handle down, and open the door- but the look of determination in his eye proves he's going to do what he puts his mind to. I like that. I love watching him figure things out. I'm constantly letting himself figure out how to get himself out of "situations"- haha.. that sounds bad, but you know what I mean.. For example, if he is trying to pull his socks off, and can't get them, he will look at me to do it... but I just look at him and say "You can do it!" and he will eventually figure it out. He may get frustrated at first, but it's all worth it when he finishes something all by himself, and looks at me and laughs with pride.

He is adding to his vocabulary. He can now say:
"bottle" (dot-tle)
"diaper" (dia-perrr)
"da-da" (he is now pointing to Evan and saying da-da)
"Bec-Bec" (Rebecca)

Still no "mama" yet.. but that's Ok, he'll get there. I mean, I only stand in front of him everyday pointing at myself saying "mama" over and over again... he HAS to eventually start saying it, right?? :)

I'm in the process the process of trying to teach him how to feed himself, so we can make the transition from baby food to real food. He can already pick up the "puffs" and bits of bread, etc.. but I'd like for him to start feeding himself more fruits and veggies. I'm so sick of the jars of baby food... and I think Ben is too! Ideally I'd like to continue feeding him (mostly) organic food. I'd say so far he eats about 85% organic. I'm not a nut about it though, it's ok if he doesn't always get to eat it. But, the less chemicals the better, right?

I'm transitioning from formula to whole milk. Right now we're adding an ounce or two of whole milk to his bottles a few times a day. And, whenever he gets a sippy cup it's either water or whole milk we fill it with. He LOVES whole milk. I wanted to transition slowly because I've heard horror stories of quitting formula cold turkey and immediately switching to whole milk. Hopefully doing this will keep Ben's stomach happy. But, who knows, parenting is all trial and error- we all do the best we can and cross our fingers a lot, right??

As for Ben's stats.. I'm not really just the exact numbers, but I believe (according to Robert's scale at Oakwoods Grocery over Thanksgiving- HA) Ben weighs 22 lbs 2-3 oz, and I'd estimate that he's about 32-33 inches long. He is now wearing 18-24 month clothes... but can honestly still fit into 6-12 mo pants. He has the tiniest waist ever.

His favorite toy right now is his Baby Einstein music table- which he found hidden in my closet. I was saving it for either Christmas or his birthday, but when I saw the look of pure joy in that boy's eye when he found it, I gave in and let him have it. He was SO excited.

We are so excited for Christmas and his birthday. Like I've said in earlier posts, holidays are so much fun with a baby. I'm sure it only gets better as they get older and know what is really going on. I can't wait to tell Ben about Santa and his reindeer, for him to sing Christmas carols, and to see the look in his eye when he races down the stairs to see if Santa came! I know this will all be a few years down the road, but it is all so exciting. We are having Ben's first birthday at my parent's house in Wilkesboro this year. It will be nice to have it there. Much more room than our place in Raleigh. And, if weather stays the way it's been lately, we may even get to play outside.

Well, that about wraps up his 11 month update... any earth shattering news I forgot I will add, if it comes to mind. Oh yeah... and he's STILL not sleeping through the night- lucky us???! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just found your blog! Loved reading about Ben at 11 months. Sounds like you are doing a GREAT job as a mama. It only gets more fun (at least in my opinion). Merry Christmas and happy birthing (;o)) day to you!
