1. Ben has introduced me to a totally different and wonderful kind of love. I thought I loved my husband, parents, siblings, friends, etc... and then Ben was born. The love you have for your child is unlike any other. It totally transforms you. You love your husband in a totally different way too. You see your parents through new eyes, and your love for them changes. Your siblings, who become your child's aunts/uncles, are now different (better!) people. The birth of your first baby opens the floodgates, and the love you share for those closest to you now is multiplied by 300. It is a wonderfully awesome feeling. And the best part is, as each day goes by I love Ben even more.
2. I have learned to prioritize what's really important. New moms can be kind of psycho (me, most definitely, included) but once you step back, and take a deep breath, you realize whats important. Ben has showed me that laughter, love, and hugs outweigh clothes, hair, shoes, etc.. Material things mean so much less to me now, and I am so very thankful for that.
3. I am thankful that Ben's smile can change a bad mood into a very good mood.
4. I am thankful that Ben has made me a better person. I live a little more cautiously now, drive slower, think more about what I say before I say it, and countless other little things. But, overall Ben has made me a better person. I am happier. I am more fulfilled. Since Ben is going to be a reflection of those around him, I want that behavior to be positive, loving, and happy. Therefore, I am a more positive, loving and happy person.
5. Even though at first I worried more, now I worry less. I am SO thankful for this. Babies are so unpredictable. You never know what they are going to do next. This makes it pretty impossible to plan your day 100%... I have (slowly) learned that all of my worries are out of my control. I now know that God is in charge, therefore I'm learning to worry less and just enjoy the ride. It's much more fun this way.
6. I am thankful that I have a wonderful husband.
7. I am thankful that Ben has a wonderful father.
8. I am thankful that holidays are SO much fun with a child. You get to relive being a kid all over again. Halloween was a blast. I can't wait to see Ben's face on Christmas morning. I know he's still so young, but I still think it will be so much fun to see him rip the wrapping paper off of his presents.
9. I am thankful for Ben's grandparents, who all love him so much.
10. I am thankful for Ben's aunts and uncles, who all love him so much.
11. I am thankful that Ben is healthy.
12. Ben is really funny. I am so thankful for this. His laughter creates laughter. There is much more goofiness in our house. Evan and I will do ANYTHING to make him laugh, this includes crawling around, climbing in boxes, dancing like a nut, making silly sounds, and the list goes on...
13. I am thankful for Ben's sweet hugs. Now when he hugs me he pats me on the back, it seriously melts my heart.
14. I am thankful that Ben lets Evan put him to bed at night. I get to spend all afternoon with Ben, but Evan doesn't get home from work until late, sometimes 7:00. So, he doesn't get much time each day to play with him. Luckily, Ben lets Evan rock him to sleep. Evan enjoys this time and so do I. It gives me a break at night while letting Evan sneak in some quality daddy/son time. Win/Win for
15. I am thankful for Ben's little toes.
16. I am thankful that Ben can high-five me. This is another one of my faves. Whenever I say "high-five" Ben slaps my hand and squeals in delight. It's so fun and funny. He's so proud of himself, and I'm so proud of him.
17. I am thankful for the huge grin Ben gives me when I walk in the door.
18. I am thankful for the huge grin Ben gives Evan when he gets home from work.
19. I am thankful that Ben was OK when we had to take him to the ER a few weeks ago. (We thought he swallowed something.. he gagged a little, and screamed a lot..after an x-ray he was totally fine!)
20. I am thankful that we've found a church we like that Ben can grow up in.
21. I am thankful that lots of our friends have babies around the same age. We can all be sounding boards for each other. In the beginning this was especially important, because there are LOTS of questions when you have a new baby. I am also thankful for the friends who don't have babies (yet ;) We don't know what we would do without yall!
22. I am thankful that Ben has an aunt who lives in Raleigh. Rebecca is a BLESSING. Her love for Ben is amazing. I don't know what I would do without her.
23. I am thankful that I've had much more patience than I would have expected in dealing with Ben's sleeping issues.
24. I am thankful that when we need to catch up on sleep Ben has grandparents who are MORE than willing to come and take him for a night or two. It's good for everyone. Evan and I get to catch up on sleep, and Ben gets some QT with his grandparents. It's very important to me that Ben spends as much time with them as possible. They love it, and so does Ben.
25. I am thankful that Ben was a surprise. God has perfect timing.
26. I am thankful that my parents have taught me how to do the right thing. I still and will make mistakes, but I hope to instill "the right thing" in Ben's brain.
27. I am thankful that Evan and I have jobs and we can support Ben.
28. I am thankful that my job is so flexible, so I can spend my afternoons playing with Ben.
29. I am thankful that I get to relive my childhood over again through Ben. It's so exciting to watch him learn/see/do new things.
30. I am thankful that God decided it was my turn to be a mom and it was Evan's turn to be a dad. It has changed everything... for the (much) better.
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