Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Get Your Read On

At a whopping 10.5 months of age, Ben has become quite the literary whiz kid. He LOVES to read. He loves flipping through the pages, looking at pictures, and sitting my lap while I read him stories. I love this. I hope he never grows out of this, because reading is such a wonderful hobby. I want to remember what his first favorite books are, so what better way than to write a post on it. Here are his top five reads:

Oh how Ben loves his "Elmer". This book has seen better days. Ben loves it so much that he has ripped pages out. I've tried to tape back together what I can, but I still find bits and pieces all over the house. This was one of the first books I received for Ben, from one of my mom's good friends, at a baby shower she threw for me. We even have the little stuffed Elmer for Ben to play with.

I love the book "If Jesus Lived Inside My Heart". It's so sweet, all about being good and doing the right thing. It teaches kids how to always make friends with the kid who doesn't have many friends, to share your cookie with your brother/sister, and to be nice to your parents. It's not a corny book either. Just a straight-shooting read on how to do the right thing. I hope Ben takes these words to heart.

"Goodnight Moon" is one of my all time faves. I read it when I was little, and Ben loves it now. My dad even recorded it for him, which is so sweet! It's a classic for sure.

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