Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ok...here it goes

Ok. So I've been really struggling for a while now about creating a blog. I have a few reasons for this...

1. I feel like blogs are really just places where people go to brag about their lives. Which sometimes makes me want to puke. But, on the other hand, I love reading blogs. I'm very interested in other people's lives, even if they annoy me (probabably because I'm just jealous!). --If you have a blog and are a friend of mine, please don't be offended by this. I love your blog. I'm being sarcastic. And like I said above, I'm probably just jealous of how fabulous your life really is ;)
2. I'm afraid that if I start a blog, I'll write a few posts, and not follow-up.
3. I'm not very technically savvy. And if I have a blog I want it to look cool. So I fear I won't be able to learn how to make the blog look like I want it to. We'll see!

 So, here goes nothing. I really hope that I can keep up with everything truly make this a mini-journal for myself, my husband, and most importantly, my most special little boy, Ben. The love of my life (and my husband's). He's already 6.5 months old, and I feel like I've already missed so much to document. So.... like I said before... here goes nothin'.

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