Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hi, my name is Whitney and I am a Shopping Cart-aholic

And no I don't mean the shopping carts that you get at the grocery story/Target, etc... I mean the shopping cart that your merchandise is taken to when you are browsing through, Etsy, or any other cool website you visit. I am a crazy online shopper. Meaning, I don't actually (in the end) purchase that much stuff, but I will fill up a shopping cart with $43789432 worth of clothes/furniture/jewelry/etc.. and stare at it. Knowing that there is no way in you know where that I will ever buy most of it. I mean really, do I need some hand-crafted sconce thingy to hang on my wall? Umm.. no- SO WHY DO I PUT IT IN MY SHOPPING CART? Why is this? Does anyone else ever do this? Weird. It's like I'm leading some fantasy life in which my fantasy closet is full of designer clothes, the closet itself is, of course, designed perfectly. And in this fantasy house, with this fantasy closet full of fantasy clothes, there is beautiful, perfectly placed furniture.. and I never have to clean, or make the bed, or do laundry. And then I empty the shopping cart and start all over. Please don't get me wrong, I love my house, I love my clothes, and I don't need everything to be perfect. And I know I'm very blessed and lucky and all that jazz, but I guess sometimes it's just fun to dream about things that, in the long run, don't matter at all.

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